Avoid the Numbers Game

It is tempting to think about growth first of all in terms of numbers, especially with respect to the budget.

We are inclined to think that a $40 million organization is so much greater than a $2 million ministry.  The fact is, that a smaller organization may be accomplishing as much if not more than the larger one if it is growing in the right ways.

The first way to determine organizational growth and effectiveness is not how much revenue is coming in but how much ministry is going out.  This takes an accurate, verifiable way to quantify ministry output.  Only then can you know if you are truly growing.  Sure, taking in more money is always nice and we strive for it, in its place.

But it is possible to take in millions at a church or non-profit but yet not accomplishing much other than providing some people nice jobs.

H. David Schuringa

Copyright (c) 2016 North Star Ministry Consultants, LLC


Fund-Raising Isn’t Everything

Fund-raising is something on the mind of every non-profit executive. It’s easy for money to consume you as the end all.  But fund-raising ought not be keeping you awake at night.

Having said that there is a maxim I coined that goes like this:  “Fund-raising isn’t everything, but everything is fund-raising.”  What that means is that simply do everything in the ministry well, and much of fund-raising will take care of itself.

So from the quality of your newsletter, to the greeting of visitors by the receptionist, to the sincerity of appreciation for your volunteers and donors –to every part of the ministry–doing all things well, inspires support for your cause.

At North Star, we can help you excel at everything you do so you’ll have all the resources you need to accomplish your mission.

H. David Schuringa

Copyright (c) 2016 North Star Ministry Consultants, LLC