Is Diversity a Dirty Word?

Recently a famous television awards show was slammed for lack of diversity. The question, why are all the winners white, was posed.

Many folks from a conservative standpoint cringe at the word, “diversity.” Forced quotas and affirmative action come to mind that causes nervous opposition forces to dig in their heals.

But is diversity a dirty word?

In my experience the answer is no. While I am unsure that it is wise to force diversity, what is needed is for leaders to see the value of diversity for their organizations.

I recently was asked to write an article on addictions and, I felt I was ill equipped to do so alone. So I gathered as diverse a group I could to meet in order to discuss the important issue.

Diversity that explodes with God’s blessings includes participants such as people-of-color, white people, females, males, ethnic variety, old, young, differing educational levels, backgrounds and sexual orientations, folks with disabilities and those with more or less experience. I can testify to the fact that it probably was one of my better articles because it benefited from the ideas of so many people not like me.

And that’s precisely the point.

Everyone in the body is important and has a role to play, says Paul. The eye cannot say to the foot, I don’t need you,without negative consequences on the entire body. That’s because God has something special for your ministry from those who are different from you. Your organization will benefit greatly from diversity.

Most importantly, diversity honors the King of the Church. North Star can help you accomplish diversity in a way that benefits your ministry beyond your wildest imagination.

H. David Schuringa

2016 Copyright (c) North Star Ministry Consultants, LLC

Three Simple Ways to Sink Your Ministry

searchYou are on a voyage, guided by your North Star. Or so you thought. But there are three simple ways to sink your venture before you know what has happened.

1. Go into debt
I mean, your leadership of your church or non-profit is an act of faith. Your cause is so important to God’s Kingdom. Of course, God will provide! So you take out a loan for, say, paying the electricity bill for the month.

Mounting debt is a weight that will sink your ship. It is not trusting God. At best, it is misusing the resources he entrusted to you. At worse, it is abusing the gifts of faithful donors who didn’t count on their gifts paying off interest.  You’ll keep the ship afloat if you minister within your means.

2. Chase Rabbits
This is a great idea, it seems today! Let’s go for it. And there you go chasing another rabbit.

This common mistake has to do what we talked about beforein keeping your eye on your North Start. Lots of opportunities and ideas come into view. But every time you chase a rabbit, you risk tripping into a deep hole while your ministry goes to seed.  Stick with the program.

3. Never Ask for Help
You’re a smart chap. You have an education and good instincts. So don’t bother getting advice from others. What do they know?

But a know-it-all attitude is like steering your ship with ear plugs. You will surely hit unexpected icebergs. Ask the captain of the Titanic.  Keep your ears open for those who have gone before and know the course.

North Star can help you keep your ministry afloat and soaring.

H. David Schuringa

Copyright (c) 2016 North Star Ministry Consultants, LLC