The Binding of Satan

“He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent . . . Satan, and bound him for a thousand years” (Rev. 20:2).

Satan is powerful. Sometimes it looks like his evil influence is virtually unlimited.

But because Jesus reigns, it’s a comfort to know that the devil is bound in a certain sense. In Old Testament days, the “Good News” of the coming Messiah was temporarily directed mostly to one nation, Israel. Satan held the rest of the world hostage in darkness. Today the gospel of him who is to come is going out to people of every nation and language. Satan cannot deceive the nations any longer as the Good News is penetrating every stronghold (Rev. 20:3).

Revelation pictures an angel binding the dragon for a thousand years. On the one hand, Satan is ferocious but, on the other hand, he is like a pit-bull on a short leash. He still has horrible power, but within his own domain. If you get too close, he will bite. Some people seem to want to get as close to the dog as they dare. But beware! He is the enemy! He is looking to devour you!

Still, Satan’s influence is limited. He is bound.

God’s purposes for the spread of the good news of Jesus cannot ultimately be stopped by anyone, including the devil himself. Be thankful today that Satan is bound, for the time being, so that God’s sovereign will for the elect and the rest of mankind cannot go off track!

Christ is on the throne! Hallelujah!

At the same time, don’t be fooled. Be sure you take Satan’s power, in his area of influence, seriously. He attacks in the obvious ways.  And if you play with fire, you will get burned. But his sneak-attacks can also strike with an unanticipated strategy to hurt you and God’s cause.

Christ’s own must be ever-vigilant in humble prayer and repentance, ever-guarding their hearts wherein lives the Spirit of Christ himself.  And when Satan strikes your heal, you can count on King Jesus, within his predetermined, eschatological time-frame, to smash his head.

H. David Schuringa

Endtimes Blog #3

North Star Ministry Consultants LLC

Copyright (c) 2017

The Nonprofit Leaders Digest













The Millennial Reign of Christ

Today we live in the  21st Century, the beginning of the third millennium. A millennium (not the same as a millennial) is a period of time designated as a thousand years. Scripture teaches that Christ will reign for a thousand years, but there are different interpretations as to what this means.

One perspective is called Premillennialism. Pre- means “before.” Premillennialism teaches that Jesus will return “before” he begins a literal, thousand-year reign on earth, on a throne in Jerusalem. Many brothers in this camp also refer to themselves as “Dispensationalists.”

Postmillennialists hold a different view. Post- means “after.” For these Christians, the end-time spread of the gospel will usher in a thousand-year “golden age” of peace and prosperity on earth, after which Jesus will return to reign.

Another perspective can be called present-millennialism. This suggests that Jesus’ thousand year reign is happening in the present, right now. One thousand is a symbolic number of completion that stands for the time between Christ’s ascension, through the centuries, including a series of events just before his second coming.

Often Scripture refers to this entire period as “the last days.” Revelation 20:4 speaks of a reign in heaven with the souls of the saints. Paul says Jesus is currently reigning in heaven, and “over everything ” (Eph. 1:22).

Regardless of one’s millennial view, however, everyone should agree that Jesus is Lord right now! And that we are in the Last Days. And be sure to embrace today the wonderful reality that Jesus reigns and rules over all.

H. David Schuringa

North Star Ministry Consultants LLC

Copyright (c) 2017 All Rights Reserved

The Nonprofit Leaders Digest











He is coming soon!

In light of the tumultuous world we live in, with this blog we begin a series on the Second Coming of Christ. Here is an urgent message for every leader and his clients to embrace with certainty in uncertain times. The blogs are adapted for North Star with permission.  All are available in a single hard copy from the author.

“I am coming soon! . . . And I will give to everyone according to what he has done.” Revelation 22:12

I remember playing in the backyard as a little boy, gazing into the sky, and wondering, “What will it be like when Jesus comes?”

As a teenager, I drove a truck as a part-time job. On the way home one evening everything seemed to have a strange, spooky feel about it, like something out of a science-fiction movie. It was eerie. The combination of the setting sun, the cloud formations, and the color of the sky made me think, “Is Jesus going to return, right now!?” Have you ever had that strange kind of feeling?

The second coming of Christ still intrigues me, as it does many people. Piles of books have been written, and preachers have covered the subject time and again. But never have the times been more ripe for the last days, with mass shootings, terrorism, and the possibilities of nuclear confrontation.  In such times, the prospect of seeing Jesus face-to-face ought to be a source of immense comfort.

As we study God’s Word together on this great subject, you don’t have to agree with my interpretations at every point. But I do hope that you will be inspired, especially if you are going through difficult times, to eagerly anticipate the imminent coming of your Savior.

When will Jesus return? “No one knows about that day or hour” (Mark 13:32), but there are signs that his return may be sooner than we think! Will you be ready if he returns today?

H. David Schuringa

North Star Ministry Consultants LLC

The Nonprofit Leaders Digest