And so, all Israel will be saved

Paul teaches that “all Israel will be saved, as it is written” (Rom. 11:26). He does so with a detailed explanation regarding what will happen to the Jews, who at the present time appear to be at odds with the very Messiah for whom they had prayed for thousands of years. So, who are “all” Israel?

The Bible teaches that the New Testament church is the New Israel, spiritual Israel. Paul states this as a matter of fact in Galatians 3:29: “If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” If you are a true Christian, then you are an Israelite in true measure. You belong among the people of God.

That means that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are your spiritual forefathers. Old Testament history of God’s people is your history. In fact, Peter proclaimed that the Old Testament people of God were already the ecclesia, i.e. the church in the wilderness. And also that the pre-incarnate Christ visited that church, your church, by the presence of the Angel of the Lord (cf. Acts 7:36-39).

And it is true, most prophecies regarding Israel that are recorded in the Old Testament are fulfilled in the New Testament church. And as Paul said about Old Israel, the same can be said about New Israel–many hypocrites take up space, before and after Golgotha (“Not all Israel is Israel,” Rom. 9:6.).

Nevertheless, the apostle emphasises that our covenant-keeping God has not revoked his promises for Old Israel, the Jews. The biological children of Abraham still have a special place in God’s one, marvelous plan for all his elect.

So let’s be perfectly clear: the New Testament church fulfills Old Israel, but does not replace them. Huge difference!

The Jews are branches that “have been broken off” because of unbelief (Rom. 11:17). But when they awaken to recognize the Messiah, they are grafted back in again. Gentiles who believe in Christ are being engrafted to the same glorious tree of salvation in Father’s garden.

Great events of the end times include a stupendous revival among non-Jews (Gentiles) as well as Jews, that we have seen is already in its early stages. In this way, says Paul, all Israel will be saved (both elect Gentiles and elect Jews who turn to Christ)

At the same time, today we are witnesses to millions of Jews being drawn back to their Promised Land, Israel, where they continue to drive world history, as always, according to redemptive plan by divine providence.

But don’t think for a moment that All Israel will include most Jews or most Gentiles.  Far from it.  From the perspective of this present-millennialist, no utopia or golden age on this old earth awaits us. Truth be told, All Israel will never exceed a remnant (Rom. 11:5) among the world’s countless rebellious and increasingly venomous wicked.

Be prepared. For as more and more people come to Christ, unimaginable evil is manifesting itself in more and more repulsive grotesqueness, plunging culture deeper and deeper into utter darkness, calling evil good and good evil (cf. Is. 5:20). Hasn’t this too already begun? So teach your children well.

For the visceral hatred of the world for both Christians and Israel elevates everyday with profound intensity. Sinister forces secretly and openly declare their arrogant intention to marginalize and exterminate all God’s people from the face of the earth.

The enemy, with his reprobate cohorts, is already working overtime from without, but also–you’d best believe it–from within (much, if not most of) the organized church.

All Israel will be saved, however. And as at the time of the Flood, most of the world will ultimately perish (2 Pet. 2:1-9).

So this all begs the question.  How about you?  Are you truly a member of the New Israel through faith in the Messiah?

Pray earnestly for the gospel of deliverance to go forth, to the Jew first, and also to the Greek, so that all Israel shall be saved (Rom. 1:16). For the time has come, the time is at hand, as it is written.

H. David Schuringa

Endtimes Blog #11

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